Unroll & Practice
Function and Flow offers carefully crafted online classes, allowing you to practice wherever you are.
When you join our online studio, you'll have access to an expansive library of classes with different styles and lengths. You decide what experience to have anytime and anywhere online.
Want to try a Function and Flow class? Enjoy two sample classes with us below.
This is an honest-to-God, close-up look at the mighty malasana (squat pose). We take all the pieces of the shape individually, moving them, stretching them, and strengthening them. This is such an important pose to master and use in our day-to-day life that you must come back and repeat this regularly.
Suggested props: 2 yoga bricks
Ground & Stabilise
This is a strong and focused 30-minute practice. Targeting the lower half of the body allows for space and freedom in the upper half. This is the perfect class to ground and stabilise.
Suggested props: 2 yoga bricks or similar.